Bhíomar san Astráil! Screen Forever ar an Gold Coast a bhuíochas le Screen Producers Ireland agus Screen Producers Australia.
Míle buíochas #SCREENFOREVER don chraic is don chomhoibriú an tseachtain seo le daoine iontacha cruthaitheacha as Éirinn, an Astráil...
Ár léirithe i Londain agus i mBaile Átha Cliath de “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters”
Nilimid ach díreach leandálta sa bhaile tar éis dhá oíche iontach i Londain agus BÁC le réamh-thaispeáint de “Lily and Lolly: The...
“Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters” coming soon to Sky Arts
We are absolutely thrilled to finally announce our upcoming documentary “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters” which will premiere...